Homeopathy can help ease the symptoms of both acute and chronic conditions. Acute conditions include things such as cuts, bruises, minor burns, stings food poisoning, tummy bugs, colds coughs, ear aches and sore throats.
Chronic or repeated conditions include headaches, joint complaints, fertility issues, menstrual irregularities, skin conditions, circulatory problems, chest complaints dietary and digestive conditions.
Homeopathy is also particularly helpful in the treatment of children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding as it is non toxic and has no side effects. More more information on services relating particularly to fertility, pregnancy, labour birth and breastfeeding, click here, or read this recent blog I wrote on homeopathy and pregnancy/labour https://42weeks.ie/2014/03/21/homeopathy-in-pregnancy-and-labour/
What happens in a homeopathic consultation?